Module 9 Questions:
What do you see yourself using in the next year? What will be most helpful in your professional situation?
In my professional situation, a teacher at a BYOT school, I see myself using the SAMR model A LOT. This model is extremely helpful in guiding me as I build my lessons to ensure that I am reaching my goals in redefining the education of my students. I wish the SAMR model had been introduced to me when I received word that our school had decided to go beyond the iPad carts and allow students to have devices daily by allowing them to bring their own. It would have given me a clearer perspective on HOW to use technology in my room from day 1!
How can the information you learned over the past 18 weeks be used in the rest of your school and/or corporation?
I think I should push for more PD opportunities - or even LEAD more PD - to share the data and models like SAMR and TIM to help the rest of my school learn best practices for technology integration. As I've stated before, we were just given the iPads and told that the students could now bring theirs, without really any further direction. Sure, we've had PD covering specific apps and webtools. But it's not about the apps! Maybe I can start the tech integration overhaul at my school by being the example! I can demonstrate the change in use and provide evidence of effectiveness and share my new knowledge by modeling all the new skills I've learned here and hopefully gain some followers. :)